Monday, March 18, 2013

North American Animals (Free Printable)

Can you tell we've switched gears a bit from Anatomy to Natural Science? With the weather changing a bit around here we've been able to spend a ton more time outside- which has inspired some really fun nature studies. 

This weekend the family went out to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, an animal refuge outside of Denver. They had a ton of fun exploring footprints, scat, seeing a ton of prairie dogs and trying to get close to some white tail deer. It was a really fun time with some other friends from our homeschool group.

The website has some really awesome printables and activities to do with the kids. I highly recommend checking it out even if you don't live nearby. 

I made up some simple three part cards for some of the animals we saw (or will see at some point) along with some classification cards. I have wanted to introduce animal kingdoms but I keep getting overwhelmed by it! (And this from a girl with a degree in Biology...) It just seems like so much information to make accessible to 3-6 year olds. Anyway, I made some cards that include: mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and insects. I figure that is a great start to being able to classify many living creatures.

There are the classification cards, info about each type, three part cards for common animals you would see in the wild in North America (Midwest/Rocky Mountain Region) and some puzzles that Barrett designed himself. Hope you enjoy. 

Happy Schooling!


*after I posted this, I saw that The Pinay Homeschooler has a really nice set of North American Animals with descriptions, so... go check that out. 

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